
Unsere rechtlichen Hinweise und Verkaufsbedingungen.

Commercial Name: Hôtel des Carmes


Company, Organization:


Société Parisienne du Bon Logis

5 rue des Carmes

75005 Paris - France

Tel: +33 1 43 29 78 40

Share Capital: 56,120.00 EUROS

Trade and Companies Register (RCS): 562 087 908 R.C.S Paris

Intra-community VAT number: FR 22562087908

Website Purpose: Promotion of the establishment

Publication Director, Legal Representative: Mr. Dominique Benhamou / SAS YMB

Editorial Manager: Mr. Dominique Benhamou

Webmaster, Design, Writing, Artistic Direction: Cendyn France SAS

Photography: Christophe Bielsa

Web Hosting: Cendyn France SAS

The site presents:

● Informational content

● Collection of personal data online

Data Protection Act: The site is subject to a declaration to the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties. You have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete the information about you (Article 34 of the Data Protection Act). To exercise this right, please contact:

Property: The site and the information it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and international conventions. Except for use by immediate family members or private use, the site and any element of its content may not be reproduced, republished, transcribed, modified, or transmitted without the prior authorization of the copyright owner.



These general sales conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions") define the contractual relations between any non-professional user (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") of the Hôtel des Carmes (hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel") and its website https: (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), operated by the company "Société Parisienne du Bon Logis," a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 56,120 Euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris under number 562 087 908, whose registered office is 5 rue des Carmes 75005, Paris, and whose intra-community VAT number is FR422562087908 (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider"), from the reservation to the Client's departure from the Hotel, as well as the conditions applicable to any reservation made through the Hotel's Site reservation services.

The Service Provider reserves the right to modify, in whole or in part, the General Conditions at any time. In this case, the new version of the General Conditions will be available on the Site with its effective date. The applicable conditions will be those in effect on the date of the Client's reservation validation. The Client declares to have read the General Conditions, whose prior acceptance is mandatory before validating any reservation. All validated reservations imply the express and complete acceptance of the General Conditions and the waiver of any other purchasing conditions or terms. When the reservation is made on the Hotel's Site, the Client declares to have read and accepted the General Conditions by checking the box provided for this purpose before validating the reservation. The Client has the option to save and edit these general conditions using the standard features of their browser or computer.

Scope of the GTC:

The General Conditions apply to all reservations made directly with the Service Provider or over the Internet via the Hotel's Site reservation services. The General Conditions apply to all services offered by the Hotel. The recording of the reservation and the sending of the confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction and acceptance of the operations carried out.

The Client declares that they are acting for personal purposes that do not fall within the scope of their commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal, or agricultural activity and have the full legal capacity to commit to these General Conditions. The Client declares to be responsible for the use of the Hotel's reservation site, both in their personal capacity and on behalf of third parties, especially minors. In this regard, the Client guarantees the truth and accuracy of the information provided, both by themselves and by the minors for whom they are responsible during the reservation. Fraudulent use of the Hotel's reservation services or any violation of the General Conditions may result in the denial of access to the services offered and may lead to legal proceedings before the competent courts.


It is recommended for anyone wishing to stay at the hotel to book in advance. The reservation will only be confirmed once the hotelier has given their approval. On the occasion of any reservation, the client must provide a credit card number on which the hotelier can make a pre-authorization. The hotel accommodation contract is deemed concluded as soon as an agreement is reached between the parties. Reservations made on our site are effective after pre-authorization. In case of rejection, the hotel may cancel this reservation.

The consumer is solely responsible for choosing the services and their suitability for their needs, so the provider's liability cannot be sought in this regard. The consumer does not have the right of withdrawal. They must comply with the cancellation conditions of the reservation.


The accommodation service is payable no later than the day of departure but may be requested on the day of arrival. For long-term rentals (1 week and more), bills must be paid every week.

We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Eurocard-Mastercard, American Express. It is also possible to pay in cash.

In accordance with Article 2102 of the Civil Code, the client cannot object to the retention of their luggage if they refuse to pay.

A valid credit card in the client's name will be required as a guarantee. A bank imprint is made as a guarantee for a minimum of one night (equivalent to 5 nights for stays of 5 nights or more). In some cases, the imprint may appear as a pending debit on the bank account associated with the card used. In rare cases, the authorization request may result in a debit by the client's bank before the actual debit takes place. In this case, the balance will be automatically credited by the bank to the client and may possibly appear as a refund.

The room rates are established per night. Failure to pay will result in the immediate expulsion of the client, subject to legal action for the settlement of their due. In case of dispute, jurisdiction will be granted to the Judge of the interim proceedings of civil courts. If the client cannot provide a valid credit card, we would be forced not to accommodate their room rental request.

The hotel reserves the right to charge the client for consumptions, nights, or extras that have not been paid on the day of departure, using the credit card provided as a guarantee during the reservation or upon arrival. The same applies to any offense or damage found after the client's departure; the amount of compensation will be debited from the client's card. The client may request an invoice corresponding to these deductions.

Unless proven otherwise, the data stored in the provider's information system, in electronic or electronic form, has probative force regarding reservations made by the client. Consequently, this data can be produced as evidence in any legal or other proceeding, and will be admissible, valid, and opposable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions, and with the same probative force as any document that would be established, received, or retained in writing.


All prices are inclusive of all taxes (VAT included). The reservation prices are indicated before and during the reservation. The amount to be paid by the client takes into account the price per night multiplied by the number of nights, to which the chosen options are added.

Tourist tax:

The tourist tax is never included in the reservation price. It is applicable in the municipality and payable on-site. Amount in effect in 2024: €3.13 per person per night.

Rates for main services in addition to room reservation:

Access to the SPA included for hotel guests: only 1 slot of 45 minutes, subject to availability, to be reserved at the time of booking

Cancellation / modification of reservation and commitment:

In case of modification or cancellation of the reservation, every client is required to notify no later than 2 days - 48 hours before the arrival date. In the event of the client's failure to notify within the above deadlines, they must pay for their reservation. Any started rental is due in full. Delays in arrival or early departures cannot in any case lead to a refund. - In case of cancellation or modification up to 2 days / 48 hours before the arrival date, the hotel does not charge any fees (request made by email).

In case of late cancellation or modification, the hotel requires 100% of the stay (request made by email).

In case of no-show, the hotel requires 100% of the stay and has the option to re-rent the room.

In case of modification during the stay, the hotel requires 100% of the stay.

Non-refundable reservation:

Full payment of the stay amount at the time of booking, not modifiable, not cancellable, and not exchangeable. The hotelier has the option to rent a room without delay under the following conditions:

Cancellation by the client.

Modification of the reservation by the client.

Non-presentation of the client.

Error by the client when making a reservation (dates, quantity of rooms, type of room).

Group reservation:

A reservation is considered a group from 5 reserved rooms. Specific conditions will apply.

Duplicate reservation / modification:

In case of a duplicated reservation due to a client's error, they can modify / cancel the reservation made in error within 24 hours (excluding same-day arrival) following the reservation.

Telephone solicitation:

As a consumer, you have the right to register for free on the Bloctel telephone solicitation opposition list.

Acceptance of general sales conditions:

The general sales conditions apply to all reservations. Any stay implies acceptance of the specific conditions and the hotel's internal regulations. Failure to comply with the above provisions will result in the immediate termination of the contract. In case of non-compliance with the hotel's internal regulations, the client will be asked to leave the hotel without being able to demand any refund.

The Client acknowledges having been communicated, prior to the confirmation of their reservation on the Hotel's Site, in a readable and understandable manner, and on a durable medium, these General Conditions and all the pre-contractual information provided for in Articles L. 221-5 and L. 221-11 of the Consumer Code, and in particular:

• the essential characteristics of the services, taking into account the communication medium used and the service concerned;

• the price of the service and its ancillary costs;

• in the absence of immediate execution of the contract, the date or deadline on which the Service Provider undertakes to perform the service;

• information about the identity of the Service Provider, its postal, telephone, and electronic contact details, and its activities, as far as they do not appear from the context;

• information about legal guarantees and their implementation methods;

• the possibility of resorting to conventional mediation in the event of a dispute;

• the non-applicability of the right of withdrawal.

• information about the existence of codes of good conduct, if any, guarantees, termination conditions, dispute resolution methods, and other contractual conditions.

Disputes and complaints:

Any complaint regarding a reservation must be addressed by the Client by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the email or postal address of the Hotel, no later than fifteen (15) days after the last night, under penalty of forfeiture:

Hôtel des Carmes/ Société Parisienne du Bon Logis – 5 rue des Carmes 75005 Paris

In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will endeavor to find an amicable solution.

In the absence of an amicable agreement, the consumer has the option of using the free services of the consumer mediator to whom the professional is attached, namely the Association des Médiateurs Européens (AME CONSO), within one year from the written complaint addressed to the professional.

The consumer mediator must be contacted:

Either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website

Or by mail to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine - 75001 PARIS

Also, you will find the electronic link below to access the online dispute resolution platform on the official website of the European Union (RLL):